I like to write stories but lately I'm having a problem. The main character of my story never seems to come out the way I want him to on paper. And I'm at a lose at what to do. In my mind I can see him and hear him but he never comes out the way I want him too. T.A. Baron the author of the Lost Years of Merlin said you know you've created a great story when the characters can live off the page. And it's true it's the same thing I've noticed with the Young Wizard's series, Harry Potter and many others. I've been trying to figure out for a couple of years now how to write the boys story that I can see so vividly in my mind but I can't. Everyone loves my writing but no matter how much I improve I still have the same problem. My character just doesn't seem real on paper.
What do I do?
What do I do?