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Name Stories

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  • Name Stories

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone like me had a story behind their name or almost had a really weird name like Ditman. Post it!!

    for example, my dad was going to name me Latiswasha after my great-great grandmother. wow, i wonder how people would tease me...kind of a hard name to tease...

    and he was going to name my brother Ditman. Coincidentally, our street was named Ditman...that wouldnt've went over too well...

    but, thank goodness, my mother intervened!!
    *Wipes sweat off forehead*
    just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish

  • #2
    My name depended on my hair color ^^ If I had been dark-haired at birth, I would have been Natalynn, after my grandmother's best friend, who had been killed in a car crash a long time ago. But, because I was a blondie, I was named Angelica, after my dad's mom(Angelina) ^^ Hence, my nickname: Angel!
    You know when people see a cat's litter box, they always say, "Oh, have you got a cat?" Just once, I want to say, "Nope. It's for company. Help yourself. Make yourself comfy. Take your time."


    • #3
      Dai'stihó Mel! and welcome to the YW boards. I am Alla, the resident Australian member who actually _posts_. Just a bit of friendly advice - please don't double post. I'm sure that you've read the FAQs and know that DD actually _pays_ for these boards out of her own pocket, so yeah... We also like avoiding one-liner posts. If you need to extend your original message, just use the edit button (little pencil with an eraser somewhere on its end, located somewhere in your post. They keep moving around, I've noticed, so an exact location won't help ).

      Other than that, name stories. hehe My dad is _really_ into scifi and fantasy reading, and mum was afraid that he would come up with some strange name suggestions, but he didn't. I was either going to be Alison, or Grahme if I was a boy. Mum wanted to spell it Alyson, but my grandma wouldn't let her .



      • #4
        Name stories...

        I have a friend named Porsha because her parents were reading Merchant of Venice.

        Also know someone named Ransom because of a book.

        However personally I have no story behind my name.
        We will remember you PM. And your little GingerBear.


        • #5
          My name was out of the baby book. Great story, huh? Just kidding, I know it's a stupid story. But if I was a boy, I'd be Otto. Serious. Otto. I know some people have that name, but I just can't imagine myself as a boy named Otto. Otto. *shivers*

          My nicknames are the real story, so...I'm going to give you guys my Seabiscuit story. I'm called Seabiscuit because it's a play on part of my last name. (You wouldn't be able to figure out what the play is, just except the fact that it's a play on it. ) My basketball coach in eighth grade used to call me Biscuit, but he switched it to Seabiscuit because I'm a horseback rider. So now everyone (or close to everyone) calls me Sea or Seabiscuit. It's sort of stupid, but...I don't really have a real name story.

          -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


          • #6
            I'm Mimi/Ming

            Ming's my real name but I hate it(I mean would I really want a name that means buaety and grace when I'm the clumiest thing on earth?)

            Mimi is becuase of the fact that I'm a cat freak(and its my pet name from my reletives far and wide -.-

            MImi=Chinese=The sound of a cat
            ~*If Time Has A Heart, Its Only Becuase Other Hearts Stop*~


            • #7
     name's a family name. Which doesn't quite make sense because it's Hungarian and I am thoroughly French Canadian/Italian, but whatever...

              Now, if the actual story of why I'm named that isn't interesting, this is--the name "Alida" is technically the Hungarian form of Adelaide. So...Hungarians are dyslexic...? Right.

              Oh yes, and my last name (which I will not disclose) is my mother's maiden name (well, she didn't change her name when she married anyways) and I have TWO middle names, one of which is my dad's last name. So bascially, my parents couldn't bother to just give me a hyphenated name. And--this is the most interesting thing--if I had been a boy, my last name would have been my dad's and my middle name my mum's last name. Also, if I'd been a boy my crazy mother would have named me Kyla, or Kai for short. Um, the hell? Kyla is a GIRL's name. Well, not according to my mum. Apparently it's some Norse god or another. Whatever. I'm not a guy

              I Am The (Semi-Original) Roshaun Fan. Yay for Prince Unlikely!


              • #8
                I don't know where my first name came from...I don't think any of you actually know my name. Huh. But my middle name is Lee, and it came from my great-grandmother's maiden name.
                The Taiko Dodo and Mitten of Insanity
                I promise not to funfun anymore
                Be happy cause life is good

