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Getting to Know People

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  • #76
    I found this the same as Gryphon.
    Comradely, Diego

    Blow wind, come wrath; at least I will die with the harness off my back.
    "I know you've come to kill me. Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." - Che

    "Be a real


    • #77
      hee... you know what's fun to do in google? type in "french military victories," and then hit "I'm feeling Lucky". Or type in "failure," and hit "I'm feeling lucky".

      Or go to their calculator function, and type in "the answer to life, the universe, and everything" (I think). It's really funny.


      • #78
        You guys have me playing with the Google now. ^_^
        "The answer to Life, the Universe and Everything = 42" --Google
        Interesting...Isn't that Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?
        Metaphors be with you.


        • #79
          It certainly is. Also try hitting 'elgoog' and I'm Feeling Lucky. There's a 1337 version as well, but I've forgotten how to access it.


          • #80
            You know what? I just accidentally deleted my ENTIRE message. And it was long. I'll try to reproduce it. That is SO frustrating....

            Yes, in fact I am an American. I subconsciously named Cyceri after a town in Indiana named Cicero. And if you're wondering why I used C's, well, try this: close your eyes and picture an S. Then say "sss". Then picture a C and say "sss". Which sounds better? Odd, huh?

            There are so many people who go to my high school that would fit in here. You have no idea. I'm not really one of them...but a group at my school kinda made me like one. I don't know whether to thank them, though....

            It's fun playing with computer stuff like Google. Hey, if you go on any web page and right click (make sure you don't click on a picture), point to "Encoding", and click "Right-To-Left Document"...well, you'll see.

            I did see the website on the books...but I didn't see them until I saw online that they were there. Oops.

            It looks like many of you like to write. Well, for those of you who do, THERE IS A WEBSITE THAT IS THE BEST I HAVE EVER SEEN FOR WRITING:

            Writers' Window

            These people's barks are worse than bites, well, at least if you read through the WHOLE FAQ. Also, if you have a slow computer, you might want to try this link:

            Discussion Board of Writers' Window


            "Do it while you can." -The Ultimate Quote for the Procrastinator


            • #81
              FAQ for Writers' Window

              Okay, that might help you people a little if you wanna check that site out. Seriously, if you don't follow the FAQ on that site, you might get a cold shoulder or something.


              • #82
                *grins* I love it when this happens- raise your hand if you knew that Writer's Window was a NZ site?

                I love coincidence. I spent some time htere ages ago, but had to give it up.
                Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!

