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Dreams and reading

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  • Dreams and reading

    How much do the books you're currently reading affect the dreams you have? What about other sources of indirect experience, like concerts, theatre, TV shows and movies?

    Ordinarily I'd say my answer would be "not at all" or perhaps "very little", though a few of the more intense films and stories have affected my ability to go to sleep. I very seldom remember much of my night's dreaming come the morning. However, I had a nightmare last night in which Oberon, King of Faerie (in various dramatic presentations and stories, anyway) had sent something dark and deadly after me, and this tied in really rather closely with events in the book I'm currently reading, almost to the page at which I closed the book last night. As often happens in nightmares I woke up just before the assassin struck a deadly blow, and this sudden waking probably heled me to remember the dream. Maybe I'd have had a more restful night if I'd read the next few pages...
    -- Rick.

  • #2
    all the time, but debates about HP or Twilight we have in common, which means I get more deeply into them even if I don't have extreme feelings for them.

    The most unsettling dream like that I've had was about Twilight. I was watching a limousine, which pulled up outside of my house (about to be made theirs), and Bella and Edward got out, and suddenly I "was" Bella. I got out of the car and fell down; when I got up, I was dizzy, and I couldn't get my bearings. I kept craning my neck to look at Edward and I couldn't see him. He was so bright and blurred that I couldn't see, and my gaze skipped over him. I knew where he was physically but I couldn't pinpoint him with my eyes. So I panicked, and kept trying, over and over again... Eventually I woke up. I still wonder what this episode was actually about.


    • #3
      Most of my dreams are complete gibberish. There is usually almost no meaning to them at all, or nothing really happens. In probably my freakiest dream ever, the evil character looked like Plankton, from SpongeBob. I don't watch SpongeBob. I don't even like Spongebob! For some reason that dream was absolutely horrible, though...

      The most unsettling dream like that I've had was about Twilight.
      I had another nightmare once, that involved vampires. It took place in my house but not quite, if you know what I mean, but the "castle" was controlled by this evil sorceress that was also a vampire...there was this greenhouse attached to the front of the house, and at one point I escape, only to have her tell me "you can run but I will find you, even if you go back to your home world, I will come after you". Later in the dream I had to turn my friend into a was sorta weird...
      All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they really happened. And after you are finished reading one you feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you: the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse, and the sorrow, the people and the places, and how the weather was.

