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First Reactions to W@W

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  • #16
    My luck seems to have run out. Seriously, why can't I get my hands on my copy of this book! Apparently, while I was at school and my parents were at work, the UPS guy came with my book. He didn't leave it on the porch, like they normally do with books from Amazon. No, he left one of those annoying notes saying that they came while we were out, and couldn't deliver the package. I feel like screaming. Is it bad that I feel like screaming? I want that book. Now. *looks around with a creepy face* Okay, who has my book? *focuses on the UPS guy* My precious....Sorry, I'm actually in a really good mood right now, despite this, so...hopefully tomorrow...

    -seabiscuit, a.k.a. hungry


    • #17
      omg!!! I want to read it sooo badly now after reading the reveiw and the comments made here!!! But im only on A Wizard Alone!!!! I better read it fast so i can read this one!!
      Don't take life so seriously- you wont get out alive anyway.
      I just got lost in thought…it was unfamiliar territory.
      If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?


      • #18
        KM I would take your time on the other books. Savor them while they last. They will be sooo much time after W@W waiting for the next one. Read slowly and enjoyy it cause soon W@W will be over and you will have to wait for DD to work her magic. Anyway See ya later...
        ~Fred22 AKA Azen
        In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.

        Douglas Adams


        • #19
          My Dear Dear Younger Sister (the one who poured the gatorade on the keyboard, and told me she didn't know, it just stopped working) told me after I got home from my kickboxing class last night that oh yes, a book had come for my yesterday. The day when I could have had 6 hours to just freaking read. Instead, two hundred pages in last night, my older sister needed me to proofread her html, because for some reason it wasn't working.


          So instead, for my lunch today (which, btw, the morning is crawling, I will setup my chair in the back, with my book, and ignore everyone for about an hour. I'm very stoked.

          Of course, the same day, I also get my Super Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the hardcover with all the books rolled into one) and my two new John Douglas books. I plan on locking myself in my room this weekend (or the backyard. Sun is good) and reading nonstop.

          I don't have a problem, I swear. Oh. And today I'm ordering What Not to Wear. LONG LIVE AMAZON.


          • #20
            Finally My copy arrived by Amazon! Got to say I WONT be pre-ordering from there again! Nothing but trouble and everyone had it before me . DD this was a great book, Very enjoyable. I'm going to recomend it to everyone! You meet all those other wizards and learnt about a few other talents (Like the twins and the ablitliy to increase power by bounching it back and forth). Cant wait for the next one now!
            God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

            Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


            • #21
              I just finished reading. I got mine... let's see... a little over 24 hours ago.

              I think I'm still processing - I'll probably give the book to my GF to read, then when she's done I'll reread it slower, like I usually do.

              but right now... WOW!
              postcount = postcount + 1


              • #22
                Whoa. Not only was it really, really good, but the way that all these different things from the other books in the series all came together and played a part, that was cool. And sometimes there were allusions or even just parallels with events from earlier books, that made you keep continuing a train of thought out further.

                But the fact that there were all of these allusions and parallels to get you remembering the other books, made me nitpick just a little more than I usually might have on a first read-through. Little, stupid things that I would never notice otherwise. Like Nita, at one point, eating a candy bar with nuts in it, though she said, in A Wizard Abroad that she hates candy bars with nuts in them. (Of course, her tastes could have changed, or she didn't really care at that point whether or not it had nuts in it, but still...) Like I said, stupid things.

                It was really nice that it was so long. Long books are good. Lots of reading = teh win.

                Overall, really good. I loved it. My only complaint is about the publishing date stuff, but that's not DD's fault. *shrug* I <3 DD. ^_^
                And we go on...


                • #23
                  Truthfully? *blushes* Well, during the whole book, the pathetic Ronan/Nita shipper inside me continously yelled insults at Carmela in outrage. I can't get over the fact that [spoiler: <span class="ev_code_white"> Carmela and Ronan might get together. I mean, not only can I not /stand/ Carmela (she annoys me), and I don't think she's deserving of Ronan (one of my all-time favorite characters), but she gets in the way of Ronan and Nita getting back together! </span> ]

                  [edited to tag a spoiler. --kli]


                  • #24
                    I loved it. It's definitely my favourite of the whole series. Truly amazing stuff - lots of laughs, and lots of tears, which is rare for me.

                    I actually got my copy kind of late, towards the end of September. I'd been obsessively checking the Chapters website every day, since it says whether or not a book is at a certain store and how many copies they have. It and another book I'd been waiting for came in at the same time, so the next afternoon I FLEW to Chapters after school and found them. W@W was at the bottom of a stack of books on the floor that hadn't been shelved yet. -.- Very, very wonderful book, though.

                    Et meme si la route est bien longue a la fin,
                    Et meme si la doute nous fait serrer les poings
                    L'amour nous rassure, brise les murs d'incertitude...


                    • #25
                      yeah. i just got mine the day before thanksgiving and boy was i happy! finished it last night. one of these days i'll learn to slowly read books so they last longer.

                      now i cant remember what i was going to type. but i will say that the book was awesome and great and wonderful. ok i'm done.
                      ~the unreality of reality~


                      • #26
                        I loved it! Can't wait for the next book.

                        Originally posted by dragonfly_firefly:
                        yeah. i just got mine the day before thanksgiving and boy was i happy! finished it last night. one of these days i'll learn to slowly read books so they last longer.
                        That long? I got it on friday night last weekend and was done Monday morning. Meh, I read insanely fast....which is both a wonderful thing and a horrible one at the same time. -_-


                        • #27
                          I thought i had already posted here,,guess i didnt. Well anyways. i abou****y loved W@W iCAnt get enough of it. I think it was the 2cd on my list of favorites. I loved the whole book it was awsome. I just dont get why some parts were put in. Like i dont get the whole Tygut and Nygut thing. When they "burned" inb the end. do they die or just get back up.I dont think DD explained alot in that section. Also, why should Carmela get to have Ronan? i think that i sbad Carmela may not have him yet but come on even thinking it makes me feel sick.
                          Anyone know when the next book is coming out? Hope it comes out when im somewhere where i can buy it.! Okay
                          Dai All
                          Love and be loved


                          • #28
                            It's....great.....that's all you can really say about it....I mean...what more CAN you say about it? IT WAS EXCELENT! BEst book EVER......
                            I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                            For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                            • #29
                              My first reaction? It was a very thick book and happily so! For me, it was one of the best of the series. Very well-written.
                              There is a thoery which states that if anyone ever discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by somehting even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another which states that this has


                              • #30
                                I was way shocked when I saw W@W in B&N. I hadn't known it had come out. This horrible oversight was due to my moving recently. My friend always let me borrow them after him, and I was unaware one had come out, needless to say, I bought it, and devoured it.

                                *ahem* Now that I'm done, I loved the book. If I say more, I shall go into spoilers, and we can't have that. *shuts up and heads to spoiler forum, though likely won't post there*
                                Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes, when you fall, you fly- Neil Gaiman

