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  • #16
    I think I will go make a pole on fav. YW books. *goes* Wait! Where should I put it?
    CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

    Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


    • #17
      Well I think we've already got a couple....
      Ugh. I still haven't made the ethnicities topic for Z.... *groan*
      "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
      "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
      "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
      "I could live


      • #18
        Please tell me where you put it, I am curious.
        CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

        Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


        • #19
          Mep. Nitafan. One liners. *pokes*

          What? Wizard Alone was my fav. and I didn't like Deep Wizardry. Woah, doesn't that make me feel left out. I thought it was terribly sad that Ed had to die. I loved Ed!!! *huggles sharky*
          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


          • #20
            Sorry, I guess you missed my post on how I was going to stop one liners! Don't worry, I am sure there are some that like A Wizard Alone. ERRRR, I want to see that poll! I spelled it wrong in my last post, oh well. I am the WORST speller. My little brother is better than me and he is 2 years younger than me!
            CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

            Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


            • #21
              Gryphon I thought Ed was great too!! I knew there was another reson I liked it!!!!! Just could not think of it!! It was sad he had to die but he did it for a reason! For that fact that he was lonely!! Which by the way feels horrible!! And a batch of other reasons
              God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

              Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


              • #22
                I felt really bad to that he died when he was so lonely! The 'To young to love, to old to be loved' that nearly made me cry. But, he is in timeheart, isn't he?
                CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

                Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


                • #23
                  I think so, or maybe he is in the sea version of timeheart (if there is such a thing!!!) I wonder if Ed could find love in timeheart?? I mean does your life go on??
                  God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

                  Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


                  • #24
                    I think it does, I hope! But, would you honestly love someone who would eat you without a thought towards it? I mean, he was friends with Nita but willing to eat her!
                    CAUTION: Being a member of YW forum may result in loss of sanity.

                    Kathy, me and G - I love you, chime, I hate you, chime, I can't live with out you.


                    • #25
                      dairine=wizard pretty obvious, because...

                      Well to me it was pretty, no, very obvious she would have been a wizard, and soon... otherwise I would have you get what I mean?


                      • #26
                        Tom and Carl were expecting her to become a wizard,but not so soon. Ed wasn't a wizard, thus subject to judgement. He was a cold blooded killer, like all sharks.


                        • #27
                          I definitely expected Dairine to become a wizard. There is Nita's whole line when she is preparing to perform the song about Dairine being one hot wizard one day. And honestly, if Nita wasn't happy with it happening eventually, she only has herself to blame. Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. And as a wizard, she should know what she says, even when not in the Speech, has meaning.
                          And about Ed, why would the fact that he would be willing to eat you make a difference about his being loved? He is a shark, a predator. It is in his nature. I'm not sure where I heard this, but I was told that if you died in your house, a house cat would probably start scavenging your body before it's cold. Does that mean I am not going to love my kitty? I may not like that possibility, but I can understand it.
                          This really is one of my favorite books in the series. Although I think I could make an argument about why each book is my favorite, and I would whole-heartedly believe each one as I made it. hehe. I love the Song. I think it is well written and tugs at the heartstrings each time I read it.


                          • #28
                            I started reading the books two years ago, and got to the beginning of book 3 before I stopped so I knew she was gonna be a wizard when I started up reading them a few months ago. I can't remember whether or not I suspected when I first read the books.
                            "This will look great next to my restraining order from Leonard Nimoy!" ~ Sheldon, Big Bang Theory

