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A Wizard of Mars (WAW spoiler)

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  • A Wizard of Mars (WAW spoiler)



    Well, now that that's done with- DD's been dropping loads of hints about this sucker in the chats. Which, of course, necessitates a topic.

    So, apparantly, this book is to be all Kit and Nita, and very little Dari. And, frnakly, I'm surprised that there's as little buzz about this as there seems to be.

    So, speculation? What's up with Mars? Will there be more interplanetary cell calls? Will Kit fill up his map of Mars? Will one of our heros find love? *scary voice-over voice* Find out in A Wizard of Mars....

    Added spoiler warning to the topic title - Peter
    PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
    Follow the bouncing poot

  • #2
    Wouldn't this belong in the Spoiler Topic then, until W@W stops being protected? Just a thought.

    (...And I apologize for the one-liner.)

    I Am The (Semi-Original) Roshaun Fan. Yay for Prince Unlikely!


    • #3
      Well, as long as everybody knows it's a spoiler thread and has an opportunity to skip out of it if they don't want to be spoiled, it should be ok. This thread is (I'm gathering) supposed to be more about speculating on AWoM, than about chewing over W@W spoilers.

      Myself, I'm basically just having a ton of fun following the Concordance updates, as they seem to be pointing a bit of the way to where AWoM is going to end. Things like the "star names" and "Naming of Lights" entries seem to indicate we're going to be talking to sentient planets/stars/celestial bodies.
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      • #4
        Just checking. Sorry.

        (, I'm such a suck-up rule-freak. Gah. I guess it's just that I would be REALLY ANGRY if I got spoiled without warning, and I think the spoiler board was a reeeally good idea.)

        Planets? More than human? Somehow I doubt Nita will become a planet, but...oh god, she won't become a star, will she? (Sorry if I'm a bit hung up on that part of the AWoM summary, but I'm a character-driven kind of reader, so...)

        I have some more thoughts, but they're not developed enought to post yet. I need to go read some more of the Concordance.

        I Am The (Semi-Original) Roshaun Fan. Yay for Prince Unlikely!


        • #5
          I can't wait for this book! I really can't wait for this book. And the fact that it's based around Neets and Kit this time, rather than Dari and all the others, in my opinion, is a good thing. I enjoyed the numerous characters and their spotlights in the last two books, but I kind of miss when Kit and Nita were the main characters and had the spotlight, with some other characters interacting, the story revolving around the two of them.

          And "Nita being more than human...or less...," I've wanted something of this sort to happen since I read the "Book of Night with Moon." Remember the feline wizard named Saash? She was able to achieve the "eleventh life" after doing great duties as a wizard. She, in a way, became a Power, or something "more." If this is possible for cat wizards, what about people? Is there something like that possible for human wizards, too? And why has Nita's powers been raising all this time, when everyone else's, lik Kit's, are getting lesser? Kit's a year younger than Nita, so shouldn't his power be greater than hers anyway? Ok, now I'm getting off-topic, but I can't help it, becuase I very eagerly anticipate this book! I really think it'll be the best yet. The story has fiunally returned to our favorite people, with Kit maybe turning "evil" and Nita getting her powers all messed up.

          Sorry for ranting, just couldn't help it! This book is gonna be awesome, I'm so sure of it. I hope DD will write quickly, and publish it sometime next year!


          • #6

            I'd have to disagree. The character interactions were cool, and Dairine, and to a lesser extent, Carmela, deserve to be in the books. Though perhaps not the focus of the books.

            Otherwise - Cats have many lives in the beginning...and humans already have a God...but ::shrugs::

            The sliding date is August '06 right now.
            Omnia mutantur; nihil interit.
            Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.


            • #7
              "our" favorite people, my dear? I am also afraid that I must disagree. I love Nita and Kit. They're the original protagonists. But I like Dairine and the Alien Invasion better. Nita and Kit...we've heard lots about them. We've heard a great deal less about Dairine and co, and thus, that is what I, personally, am most looking foreward to.

              So, yeah, just because they're the first doesn't mean they're better, if you see what I mean. (Not that I expect everyone to see the way I do, I'm just protesting the assumption that everyone likes N&K better.)

              I Am The (Semi-Original) Roshaun Fan. Yay for Prince Unlikely!


              • #8
                OMG.I cant wait for the book to come out.I mean i have 2 of the feline wizardy books and other one called "Tales of Five...""The sword and the Dragon" somthing like that. When is DD gunna drop more hints....."so desparte" -giggles-!

                Thankly, Nita and Kit might et together. I have been waiting for that to happen ever since the second book. <span class="ev_code_white">Also, wasnt it so cute when Kit asked for a hug in WAW.? I think so. And the whole Roshuan/ Dairine thing should work out ut now it wont cause of what happened to Roshuan..-tears in eyes-.</span>

                Whited-out spoilers for WAW - select the above text to read it - Peter

                Oh well, guess i have to wait like the hoo. Oh..i still need help wit my avitar..any suggestions please get back to me ASAP. Tank You!

                You noe where im at
                Dai Stiho's to all TORI -- WizetteChica91
                Love and be loved


                • #9
                  I can't find the particular entry you're speaking of (unless it's more than one), but I think it'd make more sense if Roshaun "became" a star, because his wizardry was closer to that kind of matter/intelligence. *oops* Okay, now I know what you're talking about. But it would still make more sense my way.

                  Now that I've read the summary, it even seems that Kit would be the likely candidate for a transformation.

                  I can't wait, though! I may have to go to the DD chat next month!
                  Founder of the "Posts for ToGR" foundation. Keep the ToGR alive by a donation of one post!
                  "But before the happily ever after, there was always a kiss." ~Misread, my novel-in-progress!
                  "If I wasn't smart, I'd be dead."~The Naming, by Alice Croggon


                  • #10
                    I'm concerned about that whole, "More or less than human" thing. Would it be like Dairine and motherboard? She's like half machine and manual, right?

                    And, would her physical apperance change, her thoughts, or just how she processes things (as in thoughts, but for some reason I felt it belonged in its own category)...??

                    I'm hoping for at least a little crumb of romance in this....nothing over-the-top making out or anything...I can't picture DD doing that...possibly holding hands, and not knowing it, then getting startled by it or something...that would be good. But this is not the forum for that....

                    Also, what about Roshaun? I doubt they'll find him just yet, but get a clue...and the mystery of Dairine's necklace? Will that ever be solved??

                    *cheesy announcer voice* Tune in next time to find out! Th-th-th-th-that's all folks!

                    I rest my non-exsistent case. hah!
                    just let your heart take over and sign with a flourish


                    • #11
                      Personally I am desperately waiting for news of my beloved Roshaun. Dari and Ro are so cool together, I'd be extremely disappointed if we didn't get told anything about that little cliffhanger.
                      "In the contemporary world where things fall apart and the center will not hold, you have to imagine a community where there is no center." - John Green


                      • #12
                        The "Nita becoming more than human" thing makes me think of her becoming a Power, which would be REALLY weird. But, yes. It is weird that Nita's powers seem to be getting stonger if anything. Definately not weaker. Then there's the whole Peridexis thing, which I didn't find weird until she found out no one else had it.

                        Also, OMG! What happened to poor Roshaun?

                        On a sidenote, I REALLY hope that Nita and Kit get together soon, they're a cute couple. XD


                        • #13
                          When I read the post about it being more about Nita and Kit with less about Dairine, I was surprised. Mainly because I think Dairine resolving the problem about finding Roshaun should take a bit of the book, assuming it is in this one.... I hope it is!


                          • #14
                            Cute couple indeed.

                            But hold your horses.

                            We're exploring Mars and you're thinking of romance?

                            Three more books, me shipmates, three more books at the least!

                            That being said, I hope the next book does indeed find Roshaun for us. As Dairine knows, there's still work to be done, because he's not where he would be if he was truly gone.

                            But Mars...and when Ms. Princess comes along I think I'll be hatin' her too...for the time being.
                            Omnia mutantur; nihil interit.
                            Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.


                            • #15
                              I don't exppect it to be in this next book, I'm thinking more the next one.

