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I Just Joined

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  • I Just Joined

    Hello i am Mentall Penguin I heard about you from Sunstar and i loved the books. so what all do you guys do on these forums, are there any rules, and how are you all.
    [i]Fairest and Fallen Greeting and Defiance[i]

  • #2
    Hello i am Mentall Penguin I heard about you from Sunstar and i loved the books. so what all do you guys do on these forums, are there any rules, and how are you all.
    [i]Fairest and Fallen Greeting and Defiance[i]


    • #3
      HELLO MENTAL PENGUIN! i'm Z. Welcome!

      STANDARD NEWBIE PACK: originally posted by Aurora&Papercrane (since this is kinda out-dated so i'll be updating it.)

      Your FREE Newbie pack, created by Tui, expanded by Ella, and edited by Amber:
      -1 get-away-from-Aurora Free ticket
      -1 virtual muffin (banana chocolate chip or other on request)
      -2 warnings
      -Several pieces of helpful advice

      First Warning(this originally included stuff about agent m.))

      Second Warning: don't mess with Aurora. don't fight with Aurora. Don't do anything that will lead people to call in Aurora. She's dangerous. Simple ways to avoid being hurt by Aurora: Don't diss anime/manga. don't call M*********** well... you know what I mean. Be polite about her friends- actually, this should go without saying: be polite and respectful of everyone. Other than that, though, you should be fine...she's much mellower now than she used to be.

      Helpful advice:
      Do not expect to retain your sanity if you visit at all regularly. It just doesn't happen.

      Don't expect to stay on topic. As can be noted in any given post, even posts with the most on-topic intentions crumble into miscellaneous in-jokes and Chatter after a while.

      Obviously most of these boards are dedicated to the books, as most of its members are, but Chatter II and The Topic of Great Randomness--a topic that Ella started but then got so big that it got its own forum--are for the random, non-Young Wizards chat stuff. We ask that it stays there. Also, it's a big thing around here, but DD herself pays for these posts, so please please please THINK before you write. No one-line posts, or, (God forbid!) one-WORD posts. But I'm sure that'll be no problem.

      Note spelling. Many of us are spelling and grammar freaks; misspellings drive us nuts. We can deal with them, but PLEASE capitalise your "I"s? Please? We also prefer that people don't use netspeak, if you can avoid it.

      Beware. Sometimes we talk in other languages. You WILL pick up at least two words of Japanese (bishounen, which means pretty boy, and kawaii, which means cute, are the most common offenders.) We also break into French and Spanish when we're bored.

      You may hear something about the Evil Bunny Avatar. DON'T listen. The bunny is papercrane's avatar, and it's KAWAII! Very Kawaii! It's the KBA!

      Most of us are Americans, but we've got quite a few nationalities around here, and obviously quite a few belief systems. R-E-S-P-E-C-T is the ultimate. And, of course, being insane and having fun--because all of us are friends.

      Questions? Ask. If any of this sounds intimidating, which I hope it doesn't, it's not representative of the forums. We like new people, and not just in roasts.

      The VGDAWN (see gryphon) is a popular RPG around here; it's an especially good way to get to know other members fast.

      db_pr:diego or diegowts
      agent m:m
      papercranepc or amber
      nitafan: neets


      good luck!
      penguins will rule the world.


      • #4
        rofl, love the name! PENGUINS!!!!!!!!!! Z do you still have that evil penguins take over the world forward thingie? I think you were the one that sent that to me... Penguins!!! Btw, I'm M, and I'm insane and I love purple and Gryphon doesn't, dunno why. :P And Z covered everything you need to know and now whatever I say is completely worthless and it doesn't matter...M had too much sugar today...
        "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
        "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
        "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
        "I could live


        • #5
          Hey Mental Penguin! Penguins seem to be very popular around here, in fact... isn't there a penguin foundation somewhere? Z and M aren't the only worshippers *ducks*. Yeah, we have rules, but mostly what you want to look for are no short posts, try to use good punctuation, capitalization, etc, and no double posts; you can edit your post by clicking the eraser button.

          I really don't love purple. I hate it. Oh, and because every new member has been apoligizing after I tell them I'm really a girl, I'll just let you know that, no, I am not a boy.
          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


          • #6
            Why does everyone think your a guy anyways Gryph? I'm pretty sure I always thought you were a girl... not sure though... I've known you for a year or somewhere close to that... lol *huggles* PENGUINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *worships*
            "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
            "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
            "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
            "I could live


            • #7
              PPC's avie isn't the bunny anymore ^_-

              Anyway, other stuff that may have been missed:

              Lee Enfield-Burke is our admin-person. And a woman. If you have any problems, she can be contacted through the problems-forum-thingy or by emailing her (I don't remember her email, though... @.@).

              Poot is not an admin person--in fact, Poot (short for Putas) isn't a person at all. He/It is our local forum demon, and pelts you with mm's/runs you over/clobbers you/does otherwise weird and/or nasty things to you when you post one-liners or break the unstated ettiquette rules. He's blue.

              Oh. I'm semiramis. Everyone calls me semi because "semiramis" is too much trouble to type. Ignore my slightly masculine mode of speech; I'm a girl, too.


              • #8
                Dai'stiho cousin!

                I am Alla... the resident Australian on the forums. Watch out for me, I control the Tumbleweeds - except for Wildflower (she's evil - she's on the OTHER SIDE). You'll meet the tumbleweeds in chat if you ever get there.

                Watch out for sharkylord - he is crazy and won't admit it

                Must go... enjoy



                • #9
                  Hey! I'm Art, or Arty, or Artemis, your friendly neighborhood werewolf. I run WS, or WorldSoul, one of the two main YW (Young Wizards, don'cha know) RPs (Role-plays) around here! I'm still fairly 'new' to most people... I joined last June, didn't show up for a while, and came back around October-ish. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask- or go to the chat, pretty much everyone's really nice around here. ^^;
                  "The Pointy Stick of Doom!" ~Sharklord
                  "It's a duckbutt. AMAZING." ~ Andy from Anime Club, talking about Sasuke's hair


                  • #10
                    Hi, I'm wildflower and I'M NOT EVIL. I'm just on the Dead Grass and Grasses Neighbors' side, even if GN ate me.

                    *Points at self* PENGUIN OBSESSED PERSON!

                    Hehe. No, Poot isn't an admin. Whoops. He's sort of not Rysade either, and he's not the Lone Power.

                    Oh, and while we're at it, don't call AgentM marnie or marniebrown1, don't call Gryphon Skitty, don't call sharklord MKJ and especially don't call sharklord Mr. Eggnog, and don't call me Penguin Woman, and really really don't call me evil TW. Yes, that was sort of long, and none of them really make sense either. Oh well. You can stop listening to me now.

                    I'm sort of newishish, but I know what people are talking about anyway. . .*Dancing* Heh. I read The Topic of Great Randomness. Wheee. . .just post, you don't have to read the whole thing. Yes, I am insane.

                    Do you mind if every once in a while I call you fuzzy? I have kind of a thing going with fuzzy and penguins, and fuzzy penguins.

                    OOH OOH OOH. Yes, JOIN VGDAWN!! I didn't join for FOREVER, and then I didn't post either, but I joined finally. . .and I posted today, whee! Fishmonger topic funfun. [/random]


                    • #11
                      I FOUND THE PENGUINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!
                      "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                      "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                      "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                      "I could live


                      • #12
                        Dai stiho Mentall Penguin..Most of the people on the forum call me Sk8 or something the name, penguins ROCK!!!! *does a little dance*
                        "She leaped off the table and tore into the living room. There was a brief sound of scrabbling, and then from the living room, Kit said, "Uh, Annie, your cat just went up the chimney..."
                        Dai Stiho:grin&bounce:


                        • #13
                          *laughing insanely* Ooo. That's really funny, M. *still laughing* You know, on Yahoo! LAUNCHcast, they're still playing Christmas songs. *ponders*

                          Oh, welcome, Mentall Penguin! I'm Angel! *more insane laughter* My name is quite ironic. *nods* Join VGDAWN! *grin* Oh no! I have to go back to school tomorrow! *sobs* Sorry, I can never stay on topic. Hehe.
                          the awesome like whipped cream || Queen of Nonsensical || Guardian Angel of YW || who *dies* a lot || but <3s everybody || who pours out her soul || and doesn't always say what she should || but is


                          • #14
                            Me and Z aren't the only penguin worshipers!!!!!
                            (Mentall Penguin, don't copy my bad example of a one liner, I possibly post too much so I can do whatever I want Actually no, I'm just bad... )
                            "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
                            "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
                            "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
                            "I could live


                            • #15
                              See, see, Wildflower loves VGDawn too!

                              Why can't we call Sharky Mad Killer Jaws? You can also call him insane too, though he denies it, which makes him the craziest of us all! He has also been named everyone's favorite member. Sharky -- I read your reply to belial's post, and wooohoo.

                              There are a lot of injokes you're behind on. *nods* yep. And I'm bran dead, to resurface an old one.
                              Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro

