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The Lone Power

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  • The Lone Power

    I got a question about 'him' since Dairine defeated 'him' in HW, then why do Kit and Nita still have to fight 'him'?
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  • #2
    Humans are stuck with sequential time. The Lone Power isn't. From a human point of view, the LP can jump about in time, and apparently also leave parts of himself/herself in different times and places.

    So Dairine defeated him in HW, after all the later books that DD has written and will write.
    Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


    • #3
      Hehe PM, that is every bit as confusing as it sounds.

      I always thought of it as not that the Lone Power existed out of sequential time, but that it wasn't a complete defeat. As wizards are well, at least 'winning' against It. Although, the mobiles Choice was affected. Hmmm...

      *giggles* sorry... I was just reading 'The LP can jump about in time' and had a picture of It in a TARDIS ... *whistles innocently* I've been watching waaay too much Doctor Who lately.


      • #4
        You can kill It. You can defeat It, slash a sword through It's heart, so that it may lay dead. But It's still gonna come back, because It is still THERE. The Lone One is not only immortal, but it has numerous forms, in many different times, in manmy different places. Killing it, defeating or making a singke piece of it become good may in the long run affect the other "pieces" of It, but the whole Power isn't affected by a mere defeat of one of it's forms inside some area of time.

        Yeah, it's what PM and alla said. The Lone Power is like God, he's like everywhere, all the time. You can't kill what lives "outside of time" and has numerous forms. Sometimes things like being "outside of time" are simply too great ( not to mention confusing) for the human mind to fully comprehend (remember, It said once that there aren't even words in the Speech to descibe such things). Gah, now I have a head-ache for pondering such things. >_<


        • #5
          The Lone One isn´t defeatable, but It can surrender. You can "defeat" it a thousand times, but he won´t be gone until he surrenders or the One undoes him.

