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Relating the YW books to science

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  • Relating the YW books to science

    Well, this discussion is exactly what the title states.

    The universe expanding is one topic. In Science, we are studying the Space, the Solar System, the Big Bang, etc.

    Yesterday as I was taking notes, I came across something called "dark energy". This dark energy is what is accelerating the expansion of the universe. So what comes to mind when I think of dark energy and expansion? The Pullulus and... oh, dear, I need to reread the series... um... the Lone One.

    And how exactly does the expanding of the universe affect us? Are we getting bigger, changing scales, as the universe is getting bigger? Well, we get an idea of how this affects us with the wizards on Earth giving up wizardry....

    And then, in Wizards at War, the Pullullus is stopped. Well, does this mean that DD believes, or has found sources stating, that eventually the universe is going to stop expanding? She's possibly relating to "The Big Crunch", when the universe shrinks until it is again smaller than the size of an atom.

    How else can we relate the YW books to science?
    "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran

  • #2
    Well, I have an answer to "are we changing sizes too?". According to what I learned so far, nothing is getting bigger. It's just that the universe stretches itself out, so everything inside gets pulled apart. Nothing is actually getting bigger, except for orbits, etc. This could be completely wrong, of course. It's just what I got out of my learnings.
    "If his grin was any wider the top of his head would have fallen off"
    -Terry Pratchett
    Candyman Jr, Master Procrastinator, Joe Green, Vashmata, Master of Technology


    • #3
      You know Vashmata I never thought about it in that way before, however I dont think that is how it works (well i hope not ).

      There are many expanding theories to do with dark energy, including one where the universe is in a constant state of expanding and then strinking then expanding again - even within this theory are any more in that each time the universe expands again is it the same as last time? i.e. is it a repeat after repeat for ever? or is it a new universe???

      Loads of complex stuff

      You gooooot to looooooove science and magice of course
      God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

      Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


      • #4
        I read a lot about the whole dark energy thing, just after I finished W@W (well it does seem very coincedental, and there are no accidents, so...), and I was fascinated with it. I had nearly memorized the entry in the Encyclopedia that was installed on my computer.


        That's how the scientists testing the universe's expansion using stars that had gone nova.

        Velocity = Hubble's Constant * Distance from object to the Earth

        That's all I remember from that entry now, but there was a lot of cool stuff about it.

        I went on vacation last year, and I got to go to the place where the 'background noise' of the big bang was discovered. (Bell Labs, in New Jersey.) My aunt used to work there, so she gave us a complete tour. It was fun, and I learned a lot about it (like, "did you know that it was designed by the person who designed the St. Louis arch?").

        Ok, that's enough rambling for now

        Edit: I just remembered a book I read about entropy. It said that cleaning your room (aka, fighting against gravity) speeds up entropy. I told that to my mom, and she actually didn't make me clean my room for a while was...funny!

        Then I made the mistake of telling my friends that fighting against gravity sped up entropy. What I got was a bunch of children/teens jumping up and down yelling "I'm killing the universe! I'm killing the universe!"
        Dif-tor heh smusma.


        • #5
          If you run into something repeatedly, eventually, you should pass through it. I cite string theory. Kinda wish probability was in my favor when I'm the third car waiting in line at a red light. It'd be really cool to experience. XD

          Cleaning your room is creating order; therefore, you're fighting entropy. However, your very existence and use of energy is contributing so it's a lose/lose situation. I'd say clean your room when you feel like it. :P
          Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


          • #6
            How are you fighting gravity when you're cleaning your room? By picking up stuff and moving it around?

            In that case.... Let me tell you.... My friend, his mom, and I must have caused some MAJOR entropy this weekend! They're moving, and we were moving beds around, lifting boxes, moving tables and chairs.... That's got to be a TON of entropy!
            "...Some of growing up is the knitting together of our cognitive webs, and some things take time and experience to make sense...." - Taran


            • #7
              Eric: Yeah, picking stuff up off of the floor.

              And organization isn't only marked by appearance, Gryph. Scientifically, organization means getting everything as close to the earth's center as possible, gravity being (scientifically) the major force of organization. Therefore, putting things away off the floor, and fighting that force, speeds up entropy. Or so says my science books...
              Dif-tor heh smusma.


              • #8
                On about Gravity ... I was watching something a few months ago (forgot what) and they were talking about it and putting it in ways that i never thought of. Like they asked the question which is stronger a huge mountain range or us humans. The answer was humans as they can easiliy fight the gravity of mountains such as when they pick a pebble up from the mountian side hahah I never realized how weak gravity was before.
                God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

                Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


                • #9
                  *wonders if i can use the excuse that cleaning my room speeds up entropy to get out of it* probably not. The scary thing is, what KK said actually made SENSE. (Not scary because we're all speeding up entropy, but scrary because i hear this stuff and not think i'm listening to giberish...Of course, if i was listening to giberish, or thought i was, i'd be just as scared, so...better off knowing. :P I think this is one case of entropy we're all just going to have to accept.
                  I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                  For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                  • #10
                    See, YR, it's amusing. My mom didn't understand it, but thought, "killing universe: bad" and just believed me. My room went uncleaned for about a year, actually. Then she got mad, and made me clean it.

                    Then my mom walked into my room yesterday to find me lying down on my bed, and said "Get up, Lazy, and walk around." I was going to object that I was tired, but she interrupted me, saying, "And I don't care about Entropy, and how much you'll be killing the universe if you fight gravity, you need excercise!"

                    I think my mom understood me better than I thought, or maybe looked it up or asked my dad.

                    I have this book that has an awesome label in it. It says, "WARNING: Parents, don't make your kids pick up their socks from the floor: THE FATE OF THE UNIVERSE IS IN THEIR HANDS!" or something similar.

                    I'll post the label here when I can. I used to copy it, and put it up like a poster in my church building, until some adult found them, and took them down. But before they did, all the kids loved them.
                    Dif-tor heh smusma.


                    • #11
                      If fighting Gravity is speeding up entropy than are astronomers speeding up it HECK-A by sending shuttles into space

                      P.S. gone libraring


                      • #12
                        You may have a point there...

                        Though in the case of space exploration, it might be worth it...hmmm...that's something to think about.

                        Is knowing more about outer space worth increasing the speed of the universe's death? Hmm...
                        Dif-tor heh smusma.


                        • #13
                          I suspect that the knowledge gained by those flights goes a long way towards offsetting the entropy increase, but it's a good point.

                          (Note: when I saw the Space Station Imax 3D movie, I started crying my eyes out when they showed the Shuttle launch from the Shuttle. It was so beautiful...)
                          "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

                          "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


                          • #14
                            yes but it might die before we have a chance if we
                            keep fighting gravity but if we and gravity made a compromise im sure it will all work out

                            P.S. gone libraring


                            • #15
                              did I make this topic lose meaning?

                              P.S. gone libraring

