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Nintendo's Demise?

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  • Nintendo's Demise?

    Recently, Nintendo dropped the 'Revolution" code name for it's next-gen console.
    It is now the 'Wii'.
    Anyone want to comment on how big Nintendo SCREWED UP!

  • #2
    There is some speculation that the "Wii" is just a gimick, and that at E3 Nintendo will announce the real name. If this is true, it is in fact a great marketing plan. Opinions on the "Wii" are all over the place, people had not been talking about nintendo in a while, and now everyone is. Great marketing if it is a scheme.

    "Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, annunciation of truth." ~V for Vendetta


    • #3
      I really feel that this topic could be merged with your other one, Spartan.

      That being said, why is it a "screw-up"?

      Whether or not it's a gimmick, it's not like anyone's going to buy it or not simply because of the name. Think of the cars that have weird names and don't - we still buy them, because of the _brand name_ and because of what's _inside_.

      With that in mind, I think it's a genius to call it something as off the wall as Wii, for everyone remembers it, and it attracts, as Alu said, a great deal of press and attention from people that wouldn't usually care. Nintendo is known for its experience in the gaming market, even though Sony and Microsoft seem the big players these days.

      And what's more, with the naming of Wii, people will be like, what's so special about it? You hear PS3 and Xbox360 and it's all the same, just with better graphics. But the Wii has complete reverse backwards compatibility, as long as its several flagship games - Zelda, Mario, and SSB, to name a few. The completely RBC will lure people in much more than a name like Halo 3 or FF13, because it means that for the price of a current game($50 or so), one can buy a host of wonderful old classics, in a time where gameplay was emphasized over graphics.
      Omnia mutantur; nihil interit.
      Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.


      • #4
        I haven't heard anything about Wii. What's it like? And uhh... how do you say that? "Whee?" "Whee-eee?"

        I <3 Zelda and Mario. :P See, they've got something, but they're really cheap. To play DDR, you have to buy their special DDR pad and stuff like that, which uhh... isn't happening. We play DDR on the old PS1 or drag our mat up the street to play it on a friend's Xbox -- and then we've got two mats. :P

        Playstation has Final Fantasy.
        Xbox has halo.

        I wouldn't get a game system because of the reverse backwards compatabilty. The remaking of old games only annoys me because it's like the dead are trying to live a second life. We've been there, done that, seen that already; I'd rather play new games.

        But when all of the new game systems are out in the playing feild, my vote's not gonna mean much because I don't play video games very often anymore. :/
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • #5
          I pronounce it "Why?", as in "Why did they call it that daft name?".

          But I don't think Nintendo care what I think, as I don't play video games. So I didn't vote in the other topic.
          Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


          • #6
            It's pronounced "We."

            Which is better than reborution.
            seabiscuit1009: there is nothing wrong with getting snogged by Andrew

