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Anybody have an iPhone?

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  • Anybody have an iPhone?

    I gave in and took a trip to the Chicago Apple Store last week, and never looked back. It is a fantastic piece of hardware, and the software is simply brilliant.

    Interestingly enough, it would have been fairly useless to me had I not hacked it for third-party applications, but I took care of that fairly quickly, and the process is pretty quick now.

  • #2
    I'd love one, but given my net worth and credit rating, it's not likely to happen anytime soon. :-(

    Come on, we need more details. What app did you hack it to run? Why couldn't you do without it? And how did you do the hack? :-)
    "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

    "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


    • #3
      Oh, there's a bunch of stuff on there now.

      Let's see... I installed the BSD userland, ssh, a Terminal, several games including a Nintendo emulator (and a great native title called "Tap Tap Revolution), a WiFi scanner, AIM, IRC, an RSS reader... the list goes on and on. And I still have plenty of free space left

      Now, I can use my iPhone to manage my machines at home (even through EDGE), check messages on AIM at home, play all kinds of awesome games, use a fast text-mode browser when I need information quickly and can't be bothered with waiting for graphics over EDGE, do all kinds of UNIXy things with awk, perl, Ruby, etc., get on IRC and AIM... it's pretty awesome

      The program I used is called AppTapp. You can find it here here.


      • #4
        Once you can get to the command line, the rest is gravy. BTW, I think Stephen Fry blogged some particularly good comments about smartphones and the iPhone (apparently the site's getting bombed right now. Might wanna wait a few days before googling).

        I'm curious to see what kind of hacking will happen with the iPodTouch.

        ... and, of course, what new Wizardly device DD will be coming up with in the books.
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        • #5
          Kli/everyone: have you seen the update page for the WizPod yet?

          *snort* I may have refused to get an iPhone for my birthday back in June, but I could have definitely lived with a new WizPod Touch instead of my iPod Video.


          • #6
            Snee. "Because even the Powers That Be couldn't wait...". Chortle.

            And it STILL doesn't have the Weather widget.

            I just played with an iPod Touch at the Apple Store this lunchtime. It's true what they say--the Touch is far less than a stripped down iPhone, the screen isn't as good, and its functionality has been compromised, but it's still a veddy nize toy. I now waver between the Classic and the Touch.
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            • #7
              I just came within about a quarter-inch of spewing decaf all over my monitor -- good thing I don't read more slowly. :-)

              "now incorporating the hot new Charmr collaborative spell-building utility"

              "And don't tease the planes about their size: they're sensitive enough as it is."
              "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

              "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


              • #8
                I bought a Touch last week. I got my Bodyguardz for it this week. And I'm not hacking it. Nuh-uh. Because Steve Jobs just announced they're releasing an SDK for the iPhone/iPodTouch in Februrary. Guess even they saw how dumb the webapps were.
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                • #9
                  My DH just bought an iTouch last week. I corrupted him because I bought him a used iPod to play with because he was always complaining about the lack of books on CD at the library. Now he can download whatever's out there, and is eyeing Amazon hungrily. He adores it, especially the ability to warsurf without having to go though NetStumbler or another interface, and can check to see if wireless access works when he's on the job somewhere.

                  How long do you think it will be before someone hacks the loadup screen so it shows the Wizardly Apple (no bite)?
                  "Thus is Balance maintained." A Wizard of Earthsea
                  "Condensing fact from the vapor of nuance." Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash

