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The things out there... Are they real?

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  • The things out there... Are they real?

    Well my chat room chums I have one question. Well it's more than one question acually, but that's beside the point. I must ask, do you think creatures like Vampires, Wherewolves, Aleins, Bigfoot, Yeti, The Loch Ness Monster, El Chupacabra, and much, much more. Do you think these thing exist? I personally am a beleiver and so are many people That I know, but alot a also sceptics. I need to find some people that I can talk to this about, or else i will go INSANE (more insane that usual but again that's beside the point)!!!!!!!!!!

    El Chupacabra: About 3 feet tall, wings ,spines down the back, green in coloration, large glowing red eyes, and feedds on livestock.
    Aleins: Characteristics vary, as well as the star cruiser style.
    Vampires: Look like standar humans, can't enter sun light without dying a final death, drinks bloob of victims lured by stuff, also referd to as the "Damned Souls"
    Wherewolves: Standard ordinary humans, except when th moon is full, at that point, the person turns into a bloodthirsty beast. Can only be destroyed, in wolf form, by a weapon of solid silver, otherwise can be killed like any other man.
    Bigfoot and Yeti: About 10 feet high, apelike, very broad shoulders, found to be peacful, but can be provoked to do serious damage. Bigfoot and Yeti are relitivly the same beast, except different fur coloration and habitat (forest or mountains).
    Loch Ness Monster: Belived to be a pleisiosaur that survived the massive extintion or a mythical beast. Serpentlike, very long neck, docile and shy. The proof of it's existence could be shocking, be examination has been questioning it for a long while. If seen dont sound the alarm, but try to snap a photo. If you yell or somthing Nessi will be scared away.

    There are many more creatures of unknow origins that I am obsessed with that I dodn't bother to list, because it would take WAY too much time. Call me insane, stupid, or amaizingly cool for my knowledge of this, but I will let you belive what you want. Creature hunting and stuying is less than a hobby, and more of an obbsesion. So please post your opinions. Oh and that thing about calling me insane? I take it back because NOBODY on this fourm is sane. The creatures might continue to elude us for the rest of forever, but I KNOW that they are out there. Somewhere way out there...............

    Pardon for misspellings...

    Merging posts - Peter
    Elmo know were you live. Elmo know were lots of people live. Elmo have phonebook.

    When Jesus said love your enemies, I'm pretty sure he said don't kill them.

  • #2
    I read a really good theory on aliens being the "space age" version of fairies (and maybe even gods.) It makes me really sad that I cannot remember which book I got it from.

    The basic parallels involved an altered sense of time after abduction and something about changelings. I think there was also something to do with bloodless(?) cattle that has been blamed as an alien experiment and a fairy trick. . . I wish I could remember more but I read it a few years ago.

    The theory went on to say the best explaination for alliens is that they didn't travel through space but they went "sideways" (yay for fandom explainations!). After all, going fast enough to get here and back (where ever that might be) in one life time is probably quite difficult. Also they'd have to find us which would take a lot of work.

    I pretty much agree with that and will continue doing so until some better theory shows itself to me. I do believe there is life elsewhere in this universe but I doubt there will ever be much as far as contact goes.

    Vampires and werewolves never seemed as believable to me.

    Nessie, or something like, probably does exist as does Bigfoot and the Yetti. Or at least did exist, who knows if we've managed to kill them off yet or not.


    • #3
      Given the size of the universe, it's unlikely that there isn't life out there somewhere (ever seen Contact? "And if there isn't...well, it seems like an awful waste of space."). Why expect them to be any more advanced technologically than us, though?

      As for the rest of it...The vast majority of the sightings of Nessie and the like have been exposed as deliberate hoaxes. I don't think it's impossible or even unlikely that there are some larger-sized animals that humans haven't discovered yet, but I have my doubts about them living in areas that are heavily populated or traveled by people. There have been enough extensive scientific studies of Loch Ness, for example, that if Nessie existed, she (he, it, they, whatever) would have been found by now.

      The real fantasy creatures, though? Well, I studied the history of the vampire myths for a bit, so I certainly don't believe in them. And I don't believe in magic, so I don't think the rest of them could possibly exist, either.


      • #4
        Ooo funfun... a debate topic

        And if there isn't...well, it seems like an awful waste of space.
        Hehe. I haven't seen Contact, but that is and awesome quote - and I totally agree.

        Why expect them to be any more advanced technologically than us, though?
        It probably has something to do with the ... whats the word I'm looking for?... arrogance of humans, thinking that if there is life somewhere out there , that it should be trying to find us as well - and if they've found us, then they must be more technologically advanced than we are. Personally, their advancedness would depend on how old their civilisation was - and whether they were actually interested in science and so on.

        As for the rest of it... I truly do not know whether I would believe in them or not. Some of the things you mentioned - Vampires and so on - were created pretty much to scare little kids to bed and so on. Some of them would have had a basis in fact - thats the way all legends start, someone going "Did you hear about...?" and the story becomes embellished as it gets passed along. Kind of like a fishing story. The guy who caught the fish caught a herring or something, and by the time he's had a few beers at the pub, it's suddenly a four foot trevally that took him an hour to land, but his net wasn't big enough so he had to cut the line and let it go.

        I would like to belive in some of them - I used to believe in Nessie, but like Blue said, the majority of the sightings have been proven false.

        If you want to read some really 'interesting' stuff, then check out people's websites about the Martian Face. That thing is really freaky.



        • #5
          My take on this:

          Aliens - It's hard to explain this, look up info on "starseeds".

          Vampires - Real, but not the way the legends think of them. Some drink blood, some feed off of energy. I suggest for more info.

          Werewolves - Most DEFINATELY real. But again, not like the legends state. Moon doesn't always affect us - erm. Them.
          "The Pointy Stick of Doom!" ~Sharklord
          "It's a duckbutt. AMAZING." ~ Andy from Anime Club, talking about Sasuke's hair


          • #6
            Ya. I'm thinking that this type of stuff will bother us forever. I mean, with what skeptics say about there being no possible way for them to exist. But let me say somthing to them. Even though we have progressed very far in the world, we have only begun to scratch the surface. For example, El Chupacabra coald ba as real as a human being. You can't say they dont exist just because we haven't proven it yet. Note yet. That is the key word for everything."Yet" is the word thta says "This could be real, or fake, but we haven't proven it, so don't jump to any conclusion except that they COULD be real. That is all I have to say.
            Elmo know were you live. Elmo know were lots of people live. Elmo have phonebook.

            When Jesus said love your enemies, I'm pretty sure he said don't kill them.


            • #7
              I also think that there are other forms of life out there than us. I mean, all the grown-ups I talk to this about say "no way, it's just a legend!" But if tall, I don't know what to call him? with big feet (Bigfoot) sounds weird to people, than to him people exactly the opposite of him would be even weirder. I mean, have you ever really thought about what other aliens would think when they saw us? They'd probably think we were the uncivilized civilization. I think that we always talk for granted that we are normal looking and that any living thing that looks different from us is weird! Ah, what a thought...


              • #8
                I think the Yeti aren't too implausible. They live in an area where not too many people are likely to go, and their description could apply to something like the extinct H. robustus. (We're H. sapiens. Eve censors our genus if I spell it in full.)

                So it's possible to believe that a group of H. robustus avoided extinction by hiding somewhere remote, and perhaps evolving to have white fur for better camouflage, and other cold-weather adaptations.
                Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                • #9
                  Well lets get round to a full talk about one creature/People then Say one a week? We can talk about what we have heard and experiances (If there have been any ) and that. I love to talk about this stuff, my dad hates it. Aliens he can deal with but supernatural is a huge nono at the top of his hit list is magic! want a fight with him talk about that i know!

                  i think Vamps or Werewolves first as the 2nd Underworld is out soon saw the trailer yesterday
                  God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

                  Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


                  • #10
                    It probably has something to do with the ... whats the word I'm looking for?... arrogance of humans, thinking that if there is life somewhere out there , that it should be trying to find us as well - and if they've found us, then they must be more technologically advanced than we are. Personally, their advancedness would depend on how old their civilisation was - and whether they were actually interested in science and so on.
                    Why does that mean that we should expect aliens to have more advanced technology than us? It's something that, once I started thinking about it, I've never really understood. We evolved and our civilization (such as it is) evolved at a certain rate; why do we expect other species to necessarily have evolved faster?

                    It just seems strange to me that most people don't even think about it - like, if there are aliens, well, most people seem to automatically assume that they'll be far superior to us, technologically speaking. Which makes as much (non)sense as automatically expecting them to be enemies.

                    I agree that the arrogence of humans shows in the idea that any aliens - presuming they have the capabilities - out there must be looking for us. Why should they? If there's one other species, there must be others, hundreds, thousands. What makes us so special?

                    But who says they've found us? Like Nessie and the rest, the vast majority of plausible alien sightings have been exposed as fraud.


                    • #11
                      Now a liitle somthing aside from the creatures. The Bermuda triangle. We don't exctly know what killed the dinosaurs, but alot of people say it was a giant meteor. It is also belived that it struck the earth so that it created the gulf of Mexico. Now let's say that when a meteor is traveling through space, it can pick up alot of things. One of the most common is Cosmic radiation. People say that weather causes the Bermuda Triangle missing vessles and planes and I say they are right. But wait. No other place on earth has those extreme weather conditions. Thats right. My theroy is that when the meteor was traveling through space, it picked up cosmic radiation, slammed into the plantet, killed the dinosaurs, then that radiation spred to the area of the bermuda triangle, and started causing extreme weather. How else can we explain the missing ships? I personaly am suprised that the government dosn't try to investigate. Sure I bet they think it is a bunch of superstious crap. But with so many planes and ships lost they should check it out as well. Later guys gotta go by!

                      Pardon for any misspellings.
                      Elmo know were you live. Elmo know were lots of people live. Elmo have phonebook.

                      When Jesus said love your enemies, I'm pretty sure he said don't kill them.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by bluesalamanders:
                        Why does that mean that we should expect aliens to have more advanced technology than us? It's something that, once I started thinking about it, I've never really understood. We evolved and our civilization (such as it is) evolved at a certain rate; why do we expect other species to necessarily have evolved faster?
                        If an alien species visits us, they must have more advanced technology, as we can't visit them yet.

                        Western science stopped developing during the time known as the Dark Ages - at least six centuries. If an alien species didn't go through anything like that, they could be ahead, even if their technological development (by which I mean discovering how to work iron ) started at the same time.

                        Or they could have evolved earlier, of course. Suppose the dinosaurs hadn't died out, and one* of the smaller, more intelligent species had developed sentience** and a technological society capable of space flight? That version of Earth would be millions of years ahead of this one.

                        * or more

                        ** Ith!
                        Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.

