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General Thoughts

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  • General Thoughts

    Well, firstly, wow. I was up late on a school night reading this book, because I just couldn't stop. A lot of this book was reminiscent of HW, in that, yes, there was a lot of traveling through space, but mostly because it was a turning point, just like HW. In HW, one version of the LP was beaten, but beyond merely that, It was changed, and we learned that that change would begin to spread through all the shadows of the LP throughout the universes. Now, in W@W, a new, "bright" version of the LP emerges--one that never fell. And things change again.

    So Tom and Carl's theory in the beginning about the Pullulus being a distraction was correct. But it was a very difficult distraction to deal with, as we saw. I would have liked to see a little more of all the "young Seniors" working together as a group: I was glad to see that in the last Moon scene. Speaking of that scene, I can't believe Roshaun's dead. I don't think that the ending part with Dair and wherever-she-went and her determination to find him would have been included if he were merely gone. There's something there.

    Ponch: As I posted somewhere else, once I got over the initial shock of Ponch being the One, everything fit. All the strangeness that had been happening around and to him; the dogs howling, the finding talents, the universe-creating. Now Kit is feeling something not unlike what Nita felt when her mom died, which is good because, through grief, than can identify more. It's going to take Kit awhile to adjust to his Ponch not being there, of course, but I hope he'll be comforted by the fact that Ponch seems to be in every dog, now.

    Rashah: Giant bugs...eesh. And it was simply horrifying how the LP had infiltrated that world in every single way, right down to the birth of new life through death: just the sort of twisted thing they have come to expect from It. Some descriptions gave me a weird 1985 vibe, especially through what's referred to in 1985 as thoughtcrime. Although I was slightly confused about the character of Memeki, her declaration of resistance in the inner tunnels of the City ran deep, and the birth of the new, "bright" power, as I said, represents a turning point.

    Seniors: Nita coming to Tom & Carl's house and finding them without wizardry was very disturbing. As Nita thinks, they have been constants in her time as a wizard, always there to give you the help you need or shove you along the way towards helping yourself. And to find them with no memory of any of that life except as a "game" freaked me out, especially considering the situation everybody else was in. And then their greeting in the final chapter, ("'...and, boy, do we ever greet you.'") was the perfect ending to that situation.

    Ships: As I've posted before, I was madly shipping Dairine/Roshaun by a hundred pages in. They each make a perfect balance for each other, with enough different--or perhaps enough the same--to make things interesting. And I think that wherever he is, she'll find him.
    Now Nita/Kit...again, as I've posted, I've always been resistant to this pairing because I felt that they should be "just good friends". But now...I got a definite shippy vibe from this book, and it's shippy in a way I like. Shy, and quiet, and nervous, but with the potential to be very strong once it gets started, and something I definitely want to read about. I feel like they have both grown and changed enough since they first met to be ready for a change in their relationship, and this book has made me want to see it happen.

    Carmela: Was just hilarious. Her following them against all their warnings was so in-character for her, and the scene with the chocolate and the "curling iron" was pure Carmela. I am convinced she won't ever be a wizard, especially after Kit's scare, and that she shouldn't be, because she can have trouble taking things seriously sometimes.

    I loved seeing the return of characters we've come to know and love from previous books: Ronan, S'reee, Darryl (and his WizPod! Oh yes!), even if they didn't play a major role in the story. Seeing all the characters working as as unit, instead of just one person on their own or a pair of people, was refreshing, and gaining insight into everyone's personality was very interesting. I've come to like Roshaun a lot more than I did even at the end of WH, when I liked him more than I did at the beginning but still not so much. I also, to my surprise, found Ronan growing on me: Ronan, a character who I never much liked at all. But seeing him have come to a truce with his "buddy", and with the slight angst reducting, made me like him more. And the "Callahan women" comments. Knowing more about Sker'ret and Filif, both of whom I loved since I first read WH, was a delight.

    Overall: the hopeful, thoughtful, intense mood of the book and its role as a major one in the series could inspire me to talk on forever, but since your eyes probably hurt from reading all this, I think I'll wrap it up.

    "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
    There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
    And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
    What could mean more than this?"
    --Bright Eyes

  • #2
    You said it. And it was really, truly fascinating to see all the characters interacting. That's one of my favorite parts about the books--the way people intereact. So W@W was pretty much the Motherload for me And I adored seeing S'reee.

    I too absolutely got chills when Tom and Carl lose their wizardry...agh. So frightening. And such a good reminder of why we love them so very much--you don't know what you've got till it's gone.

    All the shipping stuff is my opinion too. It's nice to see that W@W has won over some more D/R shippers! We very few pre-W@W shippers are, I'm sure, delighted to have some new folks on board.

    I Am The (Semi-Original) Roshaun Fan. Yay for Prince Unlikely!


    • #3
      The 1984 Thing: Yeah, I totally felt the same way. With everyone supposed to be part of the same, and warring against an enemy they don't really know.

      Ponch: Finally brings to a close what Darryl said in the last book, for knowing what he was. I loved that storyline. A lot.

      Nita: I still like her better with Ronan. I think Kit is an excellent friend, and while he might feel otherwise, it just doesn't feel right. It's like marrying your best friend just because they're there. With Ronan there's a spark. And he's a better verbal opponent. Although Kit's just as stubborn.


      • #4
        I didn't really like it all that well. I mean, sure, it's her writing style, but it reminds me too much of some fanfic writer (which a lot of writers seem to be doing.. -_-')
        I also didn't like the characters, or the fact that it dragged on. I'm not really sure why, I just know that I liked the other books a lot more.
        ©äÛ‡ïÕñ–HäPÞÝ PsÝçÕÞŇH


        • #5
          W@W is quite possibly my favourite of all the YW series - it's even knocked HW out of first place.

          In response to the new ships - I've been shipping Nita/Kit since The Wizard's Dilemma, but this one really seemed to start bringing things to a head. And Dairine/Roshaun - I'm still a little squicky on this simply because she's only eleven-ish still, but in two or three years? Definitely. And it might even take her that long to find him, wherever he is.

          Ponch...oh, Ponch. That scene where he fights the LP-wolf and then leaves made me cry, and then again when Kit meets the sheepdog. Not many books make me cry, but I was in tears several times throughout this one.

          Tom and Tom's reaction to Nita after he lost his wizardry was quite shocking. My only question there was why Tom even considered Nita his friend anymore. If he didn't think wizardry was real, I doubt he'd think his friendship with a couple of teenagers would be "real" either.

          Carmela totally rocked in this book. End of story.

          I think one of the reasons I love the YW series so much is because it blends exciting plot with appealing and humourous characters seamlessly. Often one thing will be sacrificed for the sake of the other, but DD's very good at balancing both.

          Et meme si la route est bien longue a la fin,
          Et meme si la doute nous fait serrer les poings
          L'amour nous rassure, brise les murs d'incertitude...


          • #6
            Carmela? *Builds a shrine, or something* As I said... *scratches head* I dunno, somewhere, she was just bloody brilliant! The witty repartee, her never taking anything seriously, her being the one saving everyone from LP... she is so swisse!
            I sort of liked how Ponch was the one to talk to Mmekeki (sp?), and not anyone else. Because... well, I guess because Ponch talks someone into making a choice, and then goes and makes one of the biggest ones of all! Yay, lol!
            I've already littered other threads with my Roshaun/Dairine laaaa-ness. So I won't here, save to say: LAAA! And the emerald, how it was so important to Roshaun that she keep it, and then her seeing it at the end... *Wistful smile*
            The talwalf- Oh, wow, I couldn't get over that- how Nita was so willing and prepared to completely sacrifice herself! She was all set with the peredexis, "Take whatever I've got... whatever you can do to take them all out so Sker'ret can keep the Crossings..." just the total selfless dedication to others... Wow. DD does it again!
            Ha ha, the Callahan Women comments...
            WizPod! Tcha! Ah, Darryl.
            And the Seniors... "Oh, by the way, you're in charge of the world now." It's funny, and yet so incredibly freaky... because they totally realize the, erm, gravity of the situation, and just how real it is... *Shiveries*
            When I am riding, my heart is not in my chest, but between my knees.


            • #7
              Alethia said:
              And the emerald, how it was so important to Roshaun that she keep it, and then her seeing it at the end...
              When I've thought about what the chain said before, I was always thinking of it as something Spot had made, with an insight into Dairine's mind.
              After your comment, I've just realised that when Roshaun touched it, he presumably changed the words. Of course, that makes a big difference to what Dairine read at the end of the book - as it was his, not her, wording.
              Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


              • #8
                Ooh! I really like PM's idea of Roshaun changing the wording on the necklace. If that happened (which I now totally believe that it did), my guess is that Roshaun will probably be either found, or Dairine will be well on her way to discovering what happened to him by the time that we find out what it says. It will probably take a few years for Dairine to find him, so she will be older by the time that she does. Then, their relationship will probably not be so problematic to so many people. I wonder if the wording on the necklace will change...maybe to show Dairine her progress on her journey, or to show Roshaun's changing health/feelings...


                • #9
                  PM, oh PM. That's absolutely brilliant. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And it's probably true. Oh, that explains so much. And uh, much as I don't want it to take so long, I concur with Kristina.

                  (Though I still cling to the message being only vaguely hinted at and never explicitly spelled; I find that provocative generalities are a common and well-used theme when it comes to writing about relationships, and I'd rather like it to stay that way)

                  I Am The (Semi-Original) Roshaun Fan. Yay for Prince Unlikely!


                  • #10
                    I concur with all three of you guys. Excellent idea. So is this going to be one private message that Roshaun gave her, or do you think it's a sort of update on his condition? Because that would really make sense with the Timeheart stuff.
                    When I am riding, my heart is not in my chest, but between my knees.


                    • #11
                      It will probably take a few years for Dairine to find him, so she will be older by the time that she does.
                      Uh-oh. According to the Concordance, Kit has aged by just over a year between SYWTBAW and AWOM. So how many books would "a few years" take? Eighteen more books?

                      I thought I was slow realising that about the emerald necklace. I'm glad to see I might have been first to notice . Unless, of course, I'm completely wrong about it.
                      Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


                      • #12
                        Oh Dieu, no, not so long! I mean, I want 18 more books, but I want her to find him maybe though 1-3. After three I'll crack.
                        When I am riding, my heart is not in my chest, but between my knees.


                        • #13
                          I absolutely LOVED this book! It even surpasses WH as my favorite! The fact that Roshaun wasn't in Timeheart...LOVE IT! I wonder where he is now... *Counts the days until AWoM*


                          • #14
                            How many are there?
                            When I am riding, my heart is not in my chest, but between my knees.


                            • #15
                              Althea: About a year's worth. IT's supposed to come out fall of '06.

