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Roshaun and Dairine on the Moon

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  • Roshaun and Dairine on the Moon

    What happened to Roshaun and Dairine on the moon? I'm fairly sure I didn't pass this information over while reading (it was 3am-ish).

    My theory? They spend the whole book avoiding the topic of a relationship. Did they have an awkward kiss on the moon? That would make me argue strangely with someone I was mutually attracted to.

  • #2
    I don't remember an awkward kiss between the two of them. Roshaun tried to do a spell to get rid of the Pullulus (sp?) and he sort of... disappeared, leaving the Sun stone from Wellakh behind. Unless I'm missing something... they sort of skirted around the idea of 'are we just good friends.' In the end, though, they agreed that they were too young.


    • #3
      The Errantry Concordance contains this comment:

      Some things that the author loves dearly wind up having nothing much to do with the story and get thrown out...
      What you will get to see, as you look at these bits of omitted business, are the shadows of the lost, strayed or stolen interactions that I see when I look at a given book: the things that Kit would have said to Nita (and once did) when there was enough time: what Dairine said to Roshaun on the Moon...

      So it seems Dairine and Roshaun's scene on the Moon was cut, but may reappear online one day.

      Lauren: I think Evangelion's referring to the earlier bit:
      "'And the moon is no dream,'" Roshaun said. "Well, I should say not. It's real enough. Indeed, when we went there --"
      Dairine elbowed him. "Ow!" Roshaun said.

      from when Spot makes his first gnomic utterance - on page 45.
      Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


      • #4
        Sorry bout that, should have been more clear. Yeah, I was talking about the scene from WH.


        • #5
          heh, speaking of the Moon... Remember in Abroad when Nita promised to bring Ronan to the moon? I think there's a Moon theme going on between the sisters... lol
          "Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein
          "Those who dream by day are cognizant of those who dream by night" -Edgar Allen Poe
          "See everything, overlook a lot, correct a little." - Pope John Paul XXIII
          "I could live


          • #6
            Hmm...relationships revolving arround the moon...romantic but never a good sign...
            I'm reminded of this live from Romeo and Juliet:
            Oh swear not by the moon, the inconsistant moon...
            Maybe I'm just a bit too paranoid...
            A physics geek
            And proud of it...

            Loyal reader and Young Wizards books, great lover of Moon Cakes, and engineering feminista...


            • #7
              Wait, isn't it inconstant moon?

              Sorry, sorry, I just read it last year.

              And I wanted dearly to know what happened. Remember when he tried to bring it up and Dair elbowed him? If they'd had an awkward kiss she might have blushed or something...but I suppose it's possible.

              Ooh, I want to know what Kit would have said to Nita that got cut...
              "But the night rolls around, and it all starts making sense
              There is no right way or wrong way, you just have to live
              And so I do what I do, and at least I exist;
              What could mean more than this?"
              --Bright Eyes


              • #8
                It seems to me that everyone can tell that something is going on between Dairine and Roshaun except those two themselves. Also at the end of the book when Roshaun dissapears except for his necklace that Dairine gets very upset. It makes me wonder if there might be more to what happened then DD lets us know.


                • #9
                  I felt that that may have been an understatement. I mean, when someone in my highschool died whom I had only known from creative writing, and hardly knew as a person, I was a wreck for a really long time. There wasn't much of a reaction from Nita.
                  Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


                  • #10
                    I wonder what was on Dairine's necklace

                    Wonder where Roshun is now...(pardon the spelling Roshaun fans hehe)

                    ~*If Time Has A Heart, Its Only Becuase Other Hearts Stop*~


                    • #11
                      I think there's definetly something going on there between the two of them. What I don't get is why they they avoid it so much. Not just the characters, but the book too.
                      Oh my God, I want to know what Kit would have said to Nita. I'm not gonna be able to sleep right now until I find out!
                      before the beginning
                      after the end
                      what happens to us?


                      • #12
                        Dairine and Roshaun made me soooo frustrated! I couldn't figure them out and that made me like them even more as characters and then I just got more frustrated! I don't think anything really 'happened' on the moon at that moment. I don't think Roshaun is dead or anything and Dairine says that she is going to find him doesn't she. He left her that necklace for a reason right? I'm sooo confused... why can't things be easy to think about? My geometry hw is easier to decifer. <This is my brain.
                        I'm a happy person. Do you know why? Because happiness is an excuse everyone understands. Life is full of surprises, but happy people takes them in stride.


                        • #13

                          Yeah, that's what, at least in my opinion make Dair and Ro so interesting!

                          Secondly, woah, um, okay, I guess I'll be as direct as I can be...your avatar (user picture) is far to big. Try to use a image/graphics program to scale it down. Or, if you like, I could do it for you if you don't know how (I'll email it to you if you want it).

                          I Am The (Semi-Original) Roshaun Fan. Yay for Prince Unlikely!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Alexieka:
                            It seems to me that everyone can tell that something is going on between Dairine and Roshaun except those two themselves. Also at the end of the book when Roshaun dissapears except for his necklace that Dairine gets very upset. It makes me wonder if there might be more to what happened then DD lets us know.
                            I think Dairine prefers not to admit to emotions - they hurt, often, and she doesn't want to let herself in for that. And this is a major emotion. But she is, somewhat, aware - remember, when Roshaun asked her to keep the necklace on after the first visit, and she agreed - because, I think, Roshaun and his wishes/feeling/opinions do matter to her, and she is aware of that.


                            • #15
                              I think when they were on the moon there was some awkward questions and I think roshaun showed a very sensitive side of himself( eew, i sound like a mushy psycologist!)

