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  • Timeline

    OK, so in SYWTBAW Nita is 13; this book takes place in February or March of the first year of the series (from here on known as year 1). DW takes place in year 1 in June or July. So does HW and AWAbroad take place during that same summer or do Nita and Kit have a whole year without anything "book worthy"? Since Dari is at the height of her power during AWAbroad, I assume that HW and AWAbroad take place during the same summer. AWD takes place clearly during the fall of the year that AWAbroad takes place in, closely followed by the events of AWAlone in December/January. WH takes place during spring break so I pressume it would be in May, followed immediatly by WAW.

    However, the events of SYWTBAW, DW, HW, AWAbroad would have to be in the same year because if not, Nita would be 15 or 16 and Kit 14 or 15 by the time of WAW. When is Nita's birthday anyway?

    Thank you!!!
    What is the Meaning of Life?
    Read. Write. Dance. Live.
    ...Dai Stiho!

  • #2
    I do believe i figured this out once before when we were trying to figure out Dairine's age and Ronon's.

    I do believe that Ronon is 16 because he was said to be two years older then Nita in W@W. Also on page 1 of W@W they say Nita is 14 which makes Kit 13. In So you want to be a wizard on page 28 it was said that Dairine is 11. But in reading AWoM in chapter 3 her dad says "-- Nita she's eleven! And she needs a lot more watching." Now in So you want to be a wizard nita was 13(pg 5 & 357) and kit was 12(pg 326 &357)so we know a year has gone by.

    Does that help at all? I do not believe that we were told when Nita or Kit's birthdays were.
    Just found in HW, that Dairine's birthday is 20 October 1978.

    In case it helps at all
    combined double post - gf
    I'm just sayin'!

