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The "full" Oath

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  • The "full" Oath

    Please, give out the oath, or surrender to thine wrath! Muahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! *Ahem* I would very much apreciate it if thou would give the full oath, so the wizards would have partners, and the world would be well. For many days I have reseached on this subject, and found nothing. If thou knows anything, please respond to this message.

    Dai stiho hrasht
    From your friendly neighborhood wizard, Poliester.

  • #2
    Thees and thous? How formal.

    There have been topics on this, and if I didn't need my beauty sleep very much I'd go find them for you. However, I do, so I'll merely state what I've said before when this has come up: I think the Oath is complete. Yes, it changes: that's because the Oath, like Life, changes. I think the ellipse (...) at the end is merely there as a sort of indication of tone or sentiment- ie that the Oath itself is finished but a period is a little too harsh.

    That's jsut my opinion, though: DD has not, I don't think, said anything specific- although she may have.
    Go ahead! Panic! Do it now and avoid the June rush! Fear death by water!


    • #3
      Thanx birdhead... Moonsong, my teacher, said that there is no full oath and that I need to find the version of the oath that suits me best... I still don't get it!!!
      From your friendly neighborhood wizard, Poliester.


      • #4
        The FULL oath? Well to the best of my knowledge, the only oath that I know of is the one in the first book. That is where you can take a look at it. Other wise, I'm relly not sure. Is that a fragment, or the whole thing. Well one thing is for sure, I'm not sure. Later!
        Elmo know were you live. Elmo know were lots of people live. Elmo have phonebook.

        When Jesus said love your enemies, I'm pretty sure he said don't kill them.


        • #5
          Thees and thous? How formal.

          I know this is off topic, but no. It's not formal. It's informal and singular. It's the equivalent of "tu" (or tú, maybe other variations) in Latin and Latin based languages. I'm not sure as far as German and Germanic languages.

          As for on topic the oath seems to alter depending on the book. Even though it seems to be an excerpt in the YW books the Feline Wizard books have them actually speak it and it seems that's all they say (with species variations).

          Personally I'd use the variation found in Abroad because I've always found the use of "nor" kind of awkward in the oaths that use nor. . .

          I hope my on topic bit helped.


          • #6
            Hehe, guys, did you note the date on the earlier posts.

            As for the oath, I believe that there is a variation on it in each book. And it has been said that it varies depending on the wizard who is taking it too, and their understanding of what wizardry is all about.

            PM's timeline webpage has the different oats on it too, but I keep losing the link to it.

            timeline webpage.


            • #7
              I participated in thread necromancy! *gasps* I must repent for my sins. >.< *headdesk*

              I'm usually smarter than that. *sigh* I'm sorry, I'll try to be better next time.


              • #8
                *huggles Kes* It doesn't really matter that much. The forums used to archive anything that wasn't active for... a month or so, but when they got upgraded, all these old topics that had been archived, became unarchived and suddenly we were getting responses to things that had been archived for up to 2 years XD. No need to be sorry.


                • #9
                  Thread necormancy aside, I think it's pretty neat how it changes for everone. Mabye it's more your understanding of the Oath that causes the reading of it to change? It seems to me that it becomes more involved for Nita as she progresses. Also, for Darryl's, Ith's, and Arhu's Oaths, they seem to tweaked to the individual. (This would be working under the assumption that the Oath excerpt at the beginning of AWAL is Darryl's) Anyone?
                  PM: Dai everyone, Caitlin is right
                  Follow the bouncing poot


                  • #10
                    I agree, that the oath is tweaked to the individual. I mean, everyone gets the manual differently, why not the oath? Of course, that's just my oppinion. YOu'd have to ask DD if you wanted to know for certain.
                    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
                    For those of you who don't recognize WHO'S back, I'll give you a hint, and I don't mean the typo's in my posts - YR.


                    • #11
                      It also seems to be tweaked by species, because of their beliefs and things like that.

