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Manual Bug Reports

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  • Manual Bug Reports

    The original thread got eaten by the last purge, so I'm going to take a chance and start it up again. The game here is to pretend that you're a beta/gamma tester for the Manual in its software form, and you've found a bug. Write up a bug report.

    As an example:

    Name: Callahan, Dairine
    Platform(s): wizOS phone port
    Title: Manual initialization self-ref error
    Version: 74.?b?3 build 74
    Date found: 2454286.49534
    When creating an initial "new user" profile, if the wizard answers "The Manual" as one of the recently books, memory heap overflows attempting to recursively add the contents of the Manual into the profile build.
    Possible fixes: Creating an error check that uses the Lspacelib endlessBook() call to handle the special case of the manual.
    Last edited by Kathy Li; June 25, 2015, 03:24:32 AM.
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  • #2
    Name: Gates, William
    Platform: WizCE
    Title: Bad naming convention in port
    Version: β95.Ωڭ3 build 8163
    Date found: 2454412.68310
    Severity: 1
    Priority: 1

    Steps to reproduce:
    1) Launch WizCE browser.
    2) Navigate to Manual: Help: Isoteric: Port details.

    Observed behavior:
    Section refers to wizPod throughout.

    Expected behavior:
    Section refers to wiZune throughout.

    More information:
    When I took over Manual development, I was led to believe that these changes would happen automagically. What's going on up there?????
    "...and that's how Snuggles the hamster learned that yes, things COULD always get worse."

    "You are the most insolent child I have ever had the misfortune to teach." "Thank you."


    • #3
      Name: ~~~~~~~ (Speach, no english equivilent given)
      Platform: Grafire 3.2 (Wizards Tablet) Driver 3.0
      Title: Largescale corrupt-feedback reac- (At this point in the readout exploded)
      Version: β124.0 build 2
      Date found: 2454412.6 (Approx.)
      If you enter anything over 100000 chars in the speech, the pen starts shooting sparks, but the readout says nothings wrong. More characters doesn't seem to hurt it, but trying to draw anything after that makes the readout blank out. When you reboot it, the pen bursts into flames and you get about half an error message before the display burns out. After about a minute the pen melts completely. On a positive note, the pen actually draws in midair like it's supposed to when it's on fire, and the interface overall is much better than 2.4.

      Tech. notes:
      I think the display is getting caught between the pen and tablet when the signal gets to strong, suggest reorienting it. The pen just seems to hate me.


      • #4
        "Thus is Balance maintained." A Wizard of Earthsea
        "Condensing fact from the vapor of nuance." Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash


        • #5
          Name: Cher
          Platform: Microphone-OS 31.01
          Title: A real-time bug has made its home in my manual
          Version: β51.aΩ2 build 867-5309
          Date found: 2454410.71
          Severity: N/A
          Priority: Minor, Class C
          Description: A bug has manifested in my manual, naming itself Bookworm, though Little Man by manual's owner, and has been eating information as fast as manual can output it. It seems to be happy enough, the microphone and bug and the symptoms a some odd reflected singing, unusual inspiration for further music and being annoying

          Journal Entry on Discovery:
          Day One - This bug is kinda cute, but I wonder what's wrong with my manual, it seems to be instantiating unusal music every time I turn away from it.
          Day Two - This bug keeps getting bigger, I wonder what it is doing. It doesn't seem to understand anything I say, or if so, has been ignoring me obstinately. I've named him LIttle Man.
          Day Three - This bug is sooo annoying! It keeps getting in the way of me trying to use my manual.
          Day Four - I wonder if anyone is lonely for Little Man, surely there's someone that'd want him... or want to eat him.
          Day five - My show was ruined because of the bug! That's it, I'm reporting this Little bug.

          Suggested Solution: Ship the bug off to Abu Dhabi once able to figure out how the bug manifested itself.


          • #6
            Name: ~~~~~~~ (Speach, no english equivilent given)
            Platform: Grafire 3.2 (Wizards Tablet) Driver 3.1
            Title: Tablet doesn't think it doesn't work.
            Version: β124.0 build 3
            Date found: 2454292.0 (Approx.)
            Hey! All you guys fixed from the last one was the explodey display and melting pen. It still bursts into flames for no reason. At least include some kind of burn kit.


            • #7
              platform:grafire 3.2
              Title: words wrong
              version: 52246.235569
              date found:12/26/2056
              description: the words keep changing laungege and when you can understand them they are... welll... innopropriet...

              solution: jack back into main system and reboot... hopfully it will fix problum but if not destrow and give anew
              its a long long walk to the end of the earth... but let me tell you if im walking to you then i'll walk farther than you would have dreamed possible.


              • #8
                Name: Ashanti
                Platform: Nine and three Quarters
                Title: Emitting puffs of smoke
                Version: 66667.12839
                Date Found: 2289356.08

                Description: My manual is emitting puffs of smoke that says happy birthday and have people dancing around it. I don't know why because my birthday was last month.

                Solution: Time space continuum needs to be refliberated.
                Writing is nice, but you have to live in the real world sometimes.-Me 09/06/07
                Writing is an art, and words are like colors.

