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more on ''Kit and the whalesark''

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  • more on ''Kit and the whalesark''

    ok the way i read it was that Kit had been useing the pure whale form and then started to use the whale/human form i would suggjest that you look over it again!!
    Dai stiho cousins

  • #2
    ok the way i read it was that Kit had been useing the pure whale form and then started to use the whale/human form i would suggjest that you look over it again!!
    Dai stiho cousins


    • #3
      But DW describes Kit as "looking up at Nita and singing one note of heart-tearing misery -- not in the Speech -- not in the human-flavoured whale he had always spoken before -- but in pure whale."

      So he had been using a whale form with a human mind, but was now becoming a pure whale form.

      Oh, and it's not whaleshark but whalesark. Sark is an old Anglo-Saxon word for shirt, which makes sense as Kit was effectively wearing the form of a whale.
      Just the FAQs, ma'am: Chat, Board and Books.


      • #4
        Wizardsrreal, I'm not joking. Watch your punctuation and capitalization. I can't tell what you're trying to say. If you truly don't know punctuation, just say! Everyone here would be willing to help.

        I know this is off topic, but I've warned you before, wizardsrreal.
        Gigo: Hey, it's the person who puts 'asian' in 'caucasian'. Hi, Gryph. | | | wildflower: Hmm... should I side with "Gryph is more insane" based on conclusive evidence, or "Sharky is more insane" based on tradition? | | | [url="http://mariposa-mentiro


        • #5
          I agree. I'm having a hard time understanding it as well.

          I got the same impression from it as Peter Murray did - that Kit's body was in whale form, but he still had a human mind. Basically it was like he was in a disguise, only a really, really good one. But wearing it too long made him start to forget his humanity and become a pure whale.


          • #6
            Wizardsrreal... Dont worry bout the caps and punctuation... Just begin typing like you would type a school paper. Before Gryph was like, "'use caps and such.'" I did the same thing cause of aim. Hehe. In any case, I understand it perfectly!

            Again, I agree with PM. And in the dialog, when the Neets and Kit first turn into whales, or even a little bit before that. It says a little bit about still having a human mind but having a whale body. Though it wasnt that straight foward, it was there. I think. But yeah...


            • #7
              As far as I understood it the Whaleark was used as a add on. What I mean is it added on the whale body but also added onto Kit's mind because only by using the whales mind was Kit able to do anything! The whale mind was the one that controled the breathing etc but also had memories as it once was a living mind! Also I thought that if the whales mind became domiant then that would mean that Kit lost his identity as a human as it took over and so stayed in whale form!
              Its nice to be back!
              God its hard to keep up with everything here!!

              Memember of The STTF (Save the topic foundation).


              • #8
                Thanks leah, yup same here with the aim thing. But I'm getting the hang of it now! I read the page in the book about Kit again, and I get that too!! Thanks everybody!
                Dai stiho cousins


                • #9
                  Have you ever pretended to be something you weren't, really well, for a long time, or acted a way that wasn't "you", and after a while found your true self starting to think the way you were pretending to, to have the same opinions, to act that was naturally? I have, and it's kinda scary, and I think that was sorta like what was happening to Kit.
                  I'm crying cuz things aren't how
                  they used to be
                  she said,
                  "The battle's almost won
                  and we're only several miles from the sun..."


                  • #10
                    Yeah that happened to me once. It was kinda scary but strangely kinda cool at the asme time.
                    Dai stiho cousins


                    • #11
                      I don't like it, especially since the last time it involved some people I really don't like.
                      I'm crying cuz things aren't how
                      they used to be
                      she said,
                      "The battle's almost won
                      and we're only several miles from the sun..."

