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Who would win? Jacob Black or Edward Cullen

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  • Dragon Writer
    Can you give any reasson other than a strong desire? I'm willing to listen to any points you have - but it's rather hard to discuss the pros and cons of "NOOOOOOooo."

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  • Glede
    JACOB JACOB JACOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Edwards WINNING????

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  • Wiccangixie
    Edward Cullen would win most definitely. He can take care of himself alone and has more abilities than Jacob Black. I mean he's only predominantly powerful in a pack.

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  • Emi
    Thank you YR!! That's what I was trying to get at. Jake is only powerful with a pack. That's how the wolves work, in packs... unless... well that part with Edward and Jake in Breaking Dawn happens then yeah, Jake could easily defeat the vamp. But seriously, Vampire totally trumps a werewolf any day.

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  • Dragon Writer
    All Jacob has going for him is wifl power and instincts. Half of that, he has little experience with. The other half is meant for a pack. He'skinda at a disadvantage.

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  • wizardsrreal
    Edward has been around longer so he has had more experience fighting. I think that the only way Jacob would win is if he was super pissed off and Edward was ready to let him win. But I mostly voted for Edward cause he's just epic.

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  • bookworm438
    Well there is the telepathic power. And then vampires traditionally are calculating creatures. Not only that but I think Edward as a vampire as a bit more agile and flexible. Jacob is a bit bigger so probably isn't as agile.

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  • Septimus
    hmmm. But Edward isn't faster then jacob. Jacobs kind were made to be faster so that they could get in and rip the vamps to shreds.

    Although that whole telepatheic thing does have me worried...

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  • Dragon Writer
    I said Edward. I know that Jacob us genetically designed to win, but the more I think of it, the more Edward makes sense. Even ignoring Edward's abilities, there's the fact that Jackb is designed to work in a pack. One on one, he's at a disadvantage.

    Of course. There's more to take into account than just the battlers. There are at least two girls I can think of who would have a very serious affect on both, and one of them has a deffinite habit of interfering when they get angry at each other. (Bella, obioualy, but I'm not mentioning the other because of spoilers... And I don't think I could spell it.)

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  • Emi
    Wolves need at least three to defeat one vampire. So in a sense Jake wouldn't be able to beat Edward one on one. Besides, Edward is extremely fast, and strong, and telepathic... The odds are in his favor.

    Although, Jake is like the "alpha" dog, so he could have some extra strength there, but I still think he would lose.
    Last edited by Emi; February 22, 2009, 08:58:08 PM. Reason: worded it wrong...

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  • Zirsta
    Edward can read Jacob thoughts, so whatever Jacob tries, Edward would be able to anticipate his moves, and toss in a few blow on the way. Also, Edward is extremely strong, fast, and rather indestructible. Besides, Edward is just awesome like that.

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  • Septimus
    why i need a reason. you never know opinions can be changed.

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  • bookworm438
    Well I accidently hit Jacob but my vote is for Edward.

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  • Septimus
    started a poll Who would win? Jacob Black or Edward Cullen

    Who would win? Jacob Black or Edward Cullen

    Jacob Black
    Edward Cullen
    I don't know about you guys but i think Jacob would beat Edward any day anytime anywere.

    post your opions here.