i've never skipped school either, but I like HP that much. I don't think it was Ron that just dosn't seem likely. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! You called the lighter thingy-not even the silver lighter as it's described in the book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In book 1, chapter 1- The Boy Who Lived, page 9, 13th line, 7th word, it's called a Put-Outer. In book 5- the US edition in chapter 3- The Advance Guard, on page 58, the 1st word on the 15th line, Harry calls it a Put-Outer.
These are the 1st two books that I thought of immediately (and I could think of the chapter in which they were mentioned) so, if you find more references, then it's not because I scoured the books looking for examples. Both editions mentioned are hardcover US editions.
I don't think she indicated Ron at all, but your perspective is different than mine.
These are the 1st two books that I thought of immediately (and I could think of the chapter in which they were mentioned) so, if you find more references, then it's not because I scoured the books looking for examples. Both editions mentioned are hardcover US editions.
I don't think she indicated Ron at all, but your perspective is different than mine.