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Harry Potter vs. Nita and Kit

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  • #91
    Nita or Kit, for several reasons:

    1. Harry can't use unforgivable curses. He doesn't have enough anger and hate. Nita and Kit wouldn't want to kill him either, so that puts them on even ground.
    1a. We have to assume each side's shield spells would work against the other side.
    2. Both Harry, and Nita and Kit can teleport easily, but Nita and Kit can do one thing Harry can't - teleport to Mars. Also, N&K can track people through a teleport (the followed Dairine in HW), and I don't think Harry can.
    3. Nita knows how to manipulate kernels, and is developing a gift for prophecy.
    4. N&K are more used to dealing with random weirdness than Harry is.
    5. N&K's brand of magic is far more versatile than Harry's. And they have their reference books with them. If Harry doesn't know a spell, he's stuck.
    "Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise." - The Duchess, Alice in Wonderland


    • #92
      Different universes. Different types of magic. Either way, wizards are wizards and the goals are the same. I'd prefer Kit or Nita on my team fer obvious reasons but, ah...Harry's rather gifted and so are his mates. I wouldn't say no to him if he offered to join me in a fight against evil, yeah. So, let's unite, not divide, eh yeah?
      Also...Harry's magic is a lot faster. He waves a wand and says a word or two and it happens. The Powers' magic takes more concentration, energy, thought, preparation. If a planned fight happened between Harry and Kit or Nita (Powers forbid)...sure, it's clear who would win, eh. But a spontaneous one? Not so much, yeah.
      Last edited by Kathy Li; November 23, 2010, 04:45:25 PM. Reason: merged double-post


      • #93
        I think Nita and Kit would win anyway, but I've been thinking about it....
        If it was only
        Nita and Kit : Harry
        they would still win, but Harry would be outnumbered, so it wouldn't be fair from the beginning. If it was
        Nita and Kit : Harry, Hermione and Ron,
        I still vote NK, but it would be pretty close, and this time it's Nita and Kit who're outnumbered. If we add Dairine to the team, then it's

        Mechanical magics and ability to empathize (Kit) + Oracular skills and water magic (Nita) + Star and fire skills and determination (Dairine) ~Vs.~ Sheer nerve and courage (Harry) + Loyalty and guts (Ron) + Intelligence and clearheadedness (Hermione.)

        But now I feel guilty for oversimplifying the characters. I mean, we really have to put all their individual personalities in the equation too. Nita, after all, isn't just oracular skills and water magic, she's Nita. I did my best to measure the odds but in the end, you really can't do that. The outcome of the battle is up to you...



        • #94
          Harry, fo sho, unless a battle of wits

          Harry would win because he could easily rattle off 20 spells before Nita and Kit mustered out one, and wouldn't feel a thing for it. By the time Nita and Kit actually finished their spell, they'd be incredibly tired. Nita and Kit's way of magic is much more of mental strain. They have to communicate and convince something to do what they want it to. Harry just shouts a nonsense word or two and whatever he's attempting to create or control just goes his way and doesn't even try to fight it.

          However, if you were to put them at a match of wits and somehow render their powers useless, Nita and Kit would win. They have a better education (because they've continued normal education beyond the fifth grade, unlike Harry) and are motivated to learn and understand the world outside of them on their own (unlike Harry, who I love, but still crawls to someone begging for help every time he's in a tight spot). Nita and Kit have help, but no one solves their problems for them.


          • #95
            It is true that Harry wouldn't have energy deducted (for lack of a better word) but as we know from a wizard of mars, and also early on in sywtbaw and deep wizardry, YW wizards' energy payments can be delayed for quite a while, meaning they could put it off so they wouldn't be tired till after the battle. And assuming that both characters' shields work against each other, Nita's gimbal thingy from high wizardry can hold off and be completely opaque to anything up to the level of a hydrogen bomb. They would be pretty evenly matched, I guess. I mean, HP magic has less of a price so can be performed more easily, I guess, but YW magic is more flexible .... Ahhhh. I feel like I'm confronting that ultimate cliffhanger question again... The lady or the tiger? (It's the lady.) no, the tiger. Neh. The lady, definitely. Uhhh.... The tiger! Or maybe... :O

